AASHTO State Rail Planning Best Practices

AASHTO State Rail Planning Best Practices pdf
AASHTO State Rail Planning Best
Practices pdf
AASHTO State Rail Planning Best Practices First Edition Single User Digital Publication The overarching goal of this guidebook is to help states produce PRIIA compliant state rail plans customized to the unique circumstances of each state. Interest in rail planning is reaching new heights as state departments of transportation across the country rush to qualify for new federal grants authorized through the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act (PRIIA).

This AASHTO State Rail Planning Best Practices new wave of state rail planning activity builds on the recent momentum and leadership of several states that have developed compelling freight and passenger rail planning programs and investments. This guidebook serves as flexible guidance to states launching state rail plans for the first time or for veteran programs looking to renew older plans with an eye to the future and new funding.

Table of Contents AASHTO State Rail Planning Best Practices
Secton 1 Background
Basic Components of a State Rail Plan
National Perspectives: The State of State Rail Planning
Rail Plan Consumers

Secton 2 Rail Self Assessment
What Resources Do You Need to Complete the Plan?
Rail Self Assessment
Agency Support and Structure

Secton 3 Coordinaton and Outreach
Public Meetngs
Outreach Conclusions and Next Steps

Secton 4 Vision, Goals, and Objectves
Establishing a Rail Vision
Goals, Objectves, Strategies, and Actons

Secton 5 Rail System Inventory
System Descripton
System Use

Secton 6 Rail Issues and Opportunites
Rail’s Transportation, Economic, and Environmental Impacts
Safety and Security
Other Issues

Secton 7 Needs Identifcation
Freight Needs
Needs Assessment Approach

Secton 8 Project Evaluation Approach
Definiton of Public and Private Benefts
Methodology Evolution
Evaluation Techniques

Secton 9 Funding for Implementation
A New Orientation
Identfying Current Funding

AASHTO State Rail Planning Best Practices pdf
Item Code : AASHTO SRPG-1-UL
ISBN Number : 1-56051-461-9
Item Pages : 94 Pages
Download Type : PDF File, AASHTO State Rail Planning Best Practices
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