AASHTO A Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities Within Freeway Right of Way

AASHTO A Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities Within Freeway Right of Way
AASHTO A Policy on the Accommodation of
Utilities Within Freeway Right of Way
AASHTO A Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities Within Freeway Right of Way 5th Edition An official AASHTO policy on the extent and manner in which public utilities may cross or otherwise occupy the right of way of any portion of a freeway.

TABLE OF CONTENTS AASHTO A Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities Within Freeway Right of Way
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Statement of Policy
2.1 Applicability
2.2 New Utility Installations Along a Freeway
2.3 Existing Utilities Along Proposed Freeways
2.4 Major Valley or River Crossings
2.5 Utilities Crossing Freeways
2.5.1 Utilities Along Roads or Streets Crossing Freeways
2.5.2 Overhead Utility Crossings
2.5.3 Underground Utility Crossings
2.5.4 Irrigation Ditches and Water Canals
2.5.5 Provisions for Expansion of Utilities
2.6 Utilities in Vehicular Tunnels
2.7 Access for Constructing and Servicing Utilities
2.8 Construction and Location Details
2.9 Manner of Making Utility Installations and Adjustments

Aashto right of way classification
AASHTO A Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities Within Freeway Right of Way
Item Code : AASHTO AU-5
ISBN Number : 1-56051-305-6
Item Format : Paperback
Item Pages : 16 Pages
Download Type : PDF File, AASHTO A Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities Within Freeway Right of Way
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