AASHTO Guide Design Build Procurement

AASHTO Guide Design Build Procurementpdf free
AASHTO Guide Design Build Procurementpdf free
This guide book AASHTO Guide Design Build Procurement is intended to supply state highway agencies with strategies and methods for successful design-build implementation, including the preparation of requests for qualifications (RFQ) and requests for proposals (RFP) and the selection of a qualified proposer.

AASHTO Guide Design Build Procurement It is based on best practices from experienced state highway agencies and other public sector agencies. Topics include understanding design-build, developing a design-build program, defining project goals, and allocating project risks. Over fifty contractual provision examples are provided.

Table of content AASHTO Guide Design Build Procurement
CHApTer 1 Introduction 1.1 Guide Overview 1.2 Definitions of Critical Design-Build Concepts and Terms 1.3 Relationship to AASHTO References
CHApTer 2 Understanding Design-Build 2.1 Justification for Design-Build 2.1.1 Schedule 2.1.2 Cost 2.1.3 Quality 2.1.4 Innovation 2.2 Design-Build Project Selection 2.3 Design-Build Procurement Process Overview Notes
CHApTer 3 Developing a Design-Build program 3.1 Programmatic Issues and Documents
CHApTer 4 Defining project Goals 4.1 Importance of Project Goals 4.2 Identification and Ranking of Project Goals 4.3 Communication of Goals 4.4 Summary AASHTO Guide Design Build Procurement

CHApTer 5 Allocating project risks 5.1 Appropriate Level of Design in the RFP 5.2 Risk Identification 5.3 Discussion of Critical Design-Build Risk Elements 5.3.1 Design Issues 5.3.2 Environmental Approval and Permitting 5.3.3 Right-of-Way 5.3.4 Local Agency, Utility, and Railroad Issues 5.3.5 Construction 5.3.6 Force Majeure/Acts of God 5.3.7 Differing Site Conditions/Changed Conditions 5.3.8 Warranty 5.4 Design-Build Project Risk Allocation Matrix 5.5 Appropriate Risk-Allocation Strategies

CHApTer 6 evaluation planning and Award 6.1 Evaluation Plan Transparency 6.1.1 Subjectivity in Evaluations 6.1.2 Guidelines for Evaluation Planning 6.1.3 Evaluation Panel Structure 6.1.4 Evaluation Planning 6.2 Best-Value Contracting Framework 6.2.1  Select Best-Value Parameters 6.2.2  Best-Value Rating Systems 6.2.3  Best-Value Award Algorithms for Design-Build Projects 6.3  Implementing Design-Build Best-Value Award Systems 6.3.1  Meets Technical Criteria/Low-Bid 6.3.2  Weighted Criteria 6.3.3  Fixed Price/Best Proposal 6.3.4  Qualitative Cost/Technical Trade-Off 6.4  Design-Build Evaluation and Award Planning Summary

CHApTer 7 Writing rFQ/rFp/Contract Documents 7.1 Critical RFQ and RFP Contents 7.1.1 Announcement of Project Solicitation 7.1.2 Project Description 7.1.3 Mandatory Requirements 7.1.4 Procurement Schedule 7.1.5 Prequalification Requirements 7.1.6 ….. AASHTO Guide Design Build Procurement

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ISBN Number : 1-56051-384-1
Item Pages : 204 page
Download Type: PDF File, AASHTO Guide Design Build Procurement
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